U.S. History

The history of the United States beginning with the First Americans to Contemporary America in the 21st Century.
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Sea Change, Part 5
Episode 5


Climate change has also made a significant impact on the economy of the low country. The billion dollar tourism industry is at risk, since banks may stop lending money due to rising maintenance and...
Sea Change, Part 3
Episode 3


The primary and most visible impact of climate change is the accelerated increase of sea levels. Localized flooding has always been a problem for citizens in Charleston and Beaufort, with impacts such...
Sea Change, Part 4
Episode 4


Hurricanes Matthew and Irma caused an incredible amount of damage to the low country, causing erosion, debris, and millions of dollars in property damage. Some peoples’ lives were hit hard; those who...
Sea Change, Part 6
Episode 6


The rising ocean temperatures are causing species of fish in the southeast to move further north. The increases in temperature, and salinity in the ocean will cause significant ecological shifts. As...
Sea Change, Part 7
Episode 7


Global warming also threatens the low country’s cultures, and the people living in the region. Making sweet-grass baskets, and growing rice have African origins, being passed down and taught through...
Sea Change, Part 8
Episode 8


The piece called “Inconvenient Truth” made by Al Gore is viewed as one of the biggest causes of political polarization on the topic of global warming. Global warming was, at the time, deemed a...
Sea Change, Part 9
Episode 9


There is a need for re-ordering public policy. Millions of dollars in funding are spent on disaster relief, when money should be spent on disaster prevention and preparedness. Many peoples’ homes are...