Wars & Conflicts

Explore the timeline of American wars and conflicts including the French and Indian War, the American Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican-American War, the American Civil War, the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, the Cold War, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the War in Afghanistan, and the Iraq War.

Explore the timeline of American wars and conflicts from the American Revolutionary War to current global conflicts.

National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day (April 9)

This day honors those veterans who have served their country while being held captive in enemy territory. The day also honors the family of the prisoners of war and their long and anxious wait to see their family again. Visit the collection.

SC Veterans in History, Part 4
Episode 4


In this segment, a student asks why Francis Marion is called the Swamp Fox, and the answer is given that he was one of the first to use what we now know as guerilla tactics. He would hide in the swamp...
SC Veterans in History, Part 1
Episode 1


Veterans Day was originally celebrated on Armistice Day on November 11, 1918 to commemorate the ending of hostilities in World War I. The Armistice was signed by President Woodrow Wilson on the 11th...
SC Veterans in History, Part 5
Episode 5


In this segment, footage from the excavation of the Hunley is provided, and information about the salt water keeping the metal from corroding is given. Footage of the Hunley being raised is included...
SC Veterans in History, Part 3
Episode 3


The importance of black Patriots in the American Revolution is discussed. In addition to black Patriots, there were a number of South Carolina women who served as heroes during the American Revolution...
SC Veterans in History, Part 2
Episode 2


During the Revolutionary War, more battles occurred in South Carolina than anywhere in the Union. In September 1781, the Battle of Eutaw Springs was the last engagement of the Revolutionary Wat.in the...
SC Veterans in History, Part 7
Episode 7


In 2009, student filmmaker Morgan Adams created a film about the Doolittle Raiders for the National History Day Competition. After the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, the United States government asked...
SC Veterans in History, Part 9
Episode 9


In this segment, the Korean War and the Vietnam War are discussed. Korea was known as a police action, and 466 South Carolinians were killed in that conflict, and four received Medals of Honor. In...
SC Veterans in History, Part 8
Episode 8


A group of Columbia businessmen met one afternoon, raised the money, bought the acreage, and made a gift to the federal government of the land on which the camp was to be built. On June 2, 1917, Camp...
SC Veterans in History, Part 6
Episode 6


This segment provides information on the Confederate Relic Room and answers a question about women who served in the Civil War. The definition of the word "relic" is provided, and information about...