Iraq War (2003–2011)

Due to the danger of Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction, on March 20, 2003, the United States along with its allies, launched a "shock and awe" campaign on Iraq. This invasion eventually led to the government's collapse and the capture of President Saddam Hussein in December of 2003. There were still conflicts and violence in Iraq for many years. The U.S. officially withdrew all combat troops from Iraq by December 2011.


 National Guard | South Carolina Public Radio
National Guard | South Carolina Public Radio


"N" is for National Guard. The South Carolina National Guard evolved out of the state’s militia. In 1905 the organized militia was renamed the South Carolina National Guard and in 1916 all state...
 Victory by Valor: Shaw Air Force Base 8
Victory by Valor: Shaw Air Force Base
Episode 8


Mike Gartland continues to relay the history of Shaw Air Force Base. In World War II, the mission was to teach pilots to fly airplanes. The first aircraft that the 20th used there was the P51 Mustang...
 Victory by Valor: Shaw Air Force Base, Part 3 3
Victory by Valor: Shaw Air Force Base, Part 3
Episode 3


The three squadrons of the 20th Fighter Wing must be ready for high-intensity combat at a moment's notice. That requires training of typically about 12 hours a day. The planning usually happens the...
 Always First: The SC Air National Guard, Part 6 6
Always First: The SC Air National Guard, Part 6
Episode 6


In 2006, the Swamp Foxes were preparing for an Operational Readiness Inspection, the most important peacetime evaluation of the unit's combat readiness. The purpose of the exercise is to get people...
 Always First: The SC Air National Guard, Part 5 5
Always First: The SC Air National Guard, Part 5
Episode 5


The strength of the South Carolina Air National Guard has always been its people. And what has given these people their best opportunity to excel is great aircraft. It started with the P-51 Mustang...
 Always First: The SC Air National Guard, Part 4 4
Always First: The SC Air National Guard, Part 4
Episode 4


In December 1990, Iraq became the new battleground. More than 700 members of the S.C. Air National Gaurd were deployed for Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm. The 240th Combat...
 Trip Hutto | Generations of Heroes
Trip Hutto | Generations of Heroes


Iraq War Meet Trip Hutto, a helicopter pilot, in the Iraq War. Interview by Ricah Robinson from Richland Northeast High School, Columbia, S.C. Generations of Heroes was a project that offered South...
 Steve Shugart  | Generations of Heroes
Steve Shugart | Generations of Heroes


Iraq War Meet Steve Shugart. He served in the Iraq War. Interview by Evans Moffat from Richland Northeast High School, Columbia, SC. Generations of Heroes was a project that offered South Carolina...
 Mike Moyer | Generations of Heroes
Mike Moyer | Generations of Heroes


Iraq War Meet Mike Moyer. He served in the Iraq War. Interview by Steven Keller from Richland Northeast High School, Columbia, SC. ​Generations of Heroes was a project that offered South Carolina...
 Ramon Guitard | Generations of Heroes
Ramon Guitard | Generations of Heroes


Iraq War *** Please Note: This video contains detailed information about a soldier's experience with an IED. The soldier's description of these events is very disturbing and will not be appropriate...