Wars & Conflicts

Explore the timeline of American wars and conflicts including the French and Indian War, the American Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican-American War, the American Civil War, the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, the Cold War, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the War in Afghanistan, and the Iraq War.

Explore the timeline of American wars and conflicts from the American Revolutionary War to current global conflicts.

National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day (April 9)

This day honors those veterans who have served their country while being held captive in enemy territory. The day also honors the family of the prisoners of war and their long and anxious wait to see their family again. Visit the collection.

Camp Sevier | History of SC Slide Collection
Camp Sevier | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 6


Many young men recruited into the army were trained at Camp Sevier, near Greenville. Motor Truck Companies 101 and 218 lived in this tent city. Courtesy of the South Caroliniana Library.
Battery Jasper | History of SC Slide Collection
Battery Jasper | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 2


Although this photograph of Battery Jasper, located several hundred yards east of Fort Moultrie, was taken in the late 1890s, it shows the construction of the coastal defense system around the fort...
Supplies for the Quarantine Camp, 1899
Supplies for the Quarantine Camp, 1899
Episode 3


Many of the casualties among American forces who fought in Cuba during the Spanish-American War were the result of disease, not wounds. Daufuskie Island became a quarantine detention camp for soldiers...