Arts, A/V Technology & Communications

"The arts are all about self-expression, but unless you refine the techniques you need to get your message to your audience, you might as well be talking to yourself. That’s why the South Carolina Arts, AV Technology, and Communications career cluster focuses both on the act of creation and on the technologies that make artistic creation and communication possible. Whether you prefer crafting the message or delivering it, plenty of satisfying jobs in the arts exist in South Carolina."


Cassandra King | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Cassandra King is a best-selling novelist whose fiction has won the hearts of readers everywhere, especially in the American South. A native of Alabama, she now lives in the Lowcountry of S.C., where...
Frances Strong | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Frances D. Strong lives with her husband on her parent’s farm in Sumter, South Carolina. Earning a degree in elementary education with a minor in arts from Columbia College, she did not find that her...
Tamar Myers | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Of Amish background, Tamar Myers now lives in our state and is the author of several Pennsylvania Dutch mysteries, including Custard’s Last Stand, The Hand that Rocks the Ladle, Between a Wok and Hard...
Nancy Rhyne | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Nancy Rhyne resides in the capital city of South Carolina, after spending most of her adult life in the Lowcountry of our state. She began writing as a way to overcome a horrible experience she had in...
Kathryn Wall | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Kathryn Wall wrote her first story at the age of six and then decided to take a few decades off! After growing up in a small town in northeastern Ohio and attending college in both Ohio and...
Idella Bodie | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Born in Ridge Spring and living most of her life in the Aiken area, Idella Bodie, who holds a degree in English from Columbia College, has been writing for young readers for more than thirty years...
Kwame Dawes | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Born in Ghana in 1962, Kwame Dawes grew up and spent his early adult life in Jamaica. Dawes is a Distinguished Poet-In-Residence, Louis Frye Scudder Professor of Liberal Arts, and Founder/Executive...