Arts, A/V Technology & Communications

"The arts are all about self-expression, but unless you refine the techniques you need to get your message to your audience, you might as well be talking to yourself. That’s why the South Carolina Arts, AV Technology, and Communications career cluster focuses both on the act of creation and on the technologies that make artistic creation and communication possible. Whether you prefer crafting the message or delivering it, plenty of satisfying jobs in the arts exist in South Carolina."


Dori Sanders | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


This program features Dori Sanders. A native of Gilbert, S.C., a tiny community in York County, her family operates one of the oldest African American farms in the region. Her father, a former...
Dinah Johnson | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Born in Charleston, Dinah Johnson is a graduate of Spring Valley High School in Columbia, went to college at Princeton University, and earned a Ph.D. from Yale University. Now a resident of Columbia...
Carla Damron | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


Born in Sumter, Carla Damron now lives just outside Columbia. She draws on her experiences as a Southerner and a social worker with over twenty years in the mental health system, where she says, her...
C. Hope Clark | A Literary Tour of South Carolina


C. Hope Clark lives in Chapin, S.C. Hope has one Oepington and one Dominiquer Hen as her pets and is the managing editor for She is a mystery writer and discusses techniques she...
Morihiko Nakahara, Conductor | Original SC


Since 1964, the South Carolina Philharmonic has been performing and promoting high-quality, professional symphonic music for the community. Morihiko Nakahara is known for his charismatic presence on...
Learning About the Stage and Auditions | Artopia
Learning About the Stage and Auditions | Artopia


Learning About the Stage: The Green Room where actors wait to go onstage, or rest between scenes. Why is it called a Green Room? Apparently no one really knows, although there are several theories...