Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. joined South Carolina ETV's Beryl Dakers in Beaufort, South Carolina to discuss his latest project, Reconstruction: America After the Civil War.
RECONSTRUCTION: AMERICA AFTER THE CIVIL WAR is a production of McGee Media, Inkwell Films and WETA Washington, DC.
- This indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into founding principles as viewed through this period of federal government involvement, the development and realignment of a new labor system not based on a system of slavery, and the significant political realignment of the South.
- This indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into how Reconstruction resulted in the foundation for the struggle for civil rights. This indicator was also developed to foster inquiry into Reconstruction Era policies such as Constitutional amendme
- This indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into how new federal laws impacted the South during Reconstruction, to include the effects of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments.
- 4.5.CO Compare the roles of various groups on Reconstruction.
- 4.5.E Analyze multiple perspectives of the economic, political, and social effects of Reconstruction on different populations in the South and in other regions of the U.S.
- 4.5.P Summarize Reconstruction as a turning point in American history.
- This indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into the changes that served as a catalyst for Reconstruction. The indicator was also designed to promote inquiry into how these actions affected the economic, political, and social conditions in the South.
- USHC.2.CX Contextualize the perspectives on the role of the federal government in securing natural rights during the period 1830–1877.