This program in the series tells the story of Dr. Wil Lou Gray who began the South Carolina Opportunity School. The program follows her from the time that she was a young girl struggling with the loss...South Carolina Culture
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Mary McLeod Bethune | Idella Bodie's SC Women (FULL VERSION)
This program in the series focuses on Mary McLeod Bethune, a young African American woman who risks her life to educate African Americans. Born in Mayesville, South Carolina, Mary McLeod had a strong...
Darla Moore | S.C. Hall of Fame
Darla Moore was born and raised near Lake City, South Carolina, growing up on the family cotton, soybean and tobacco farm. After graduating from Lake City High School, she attended the University of...
Transportation in SC | Palmetto Special
The lesson deals primarily with the development of roads, railroads, and canals in South Carolina. The program is in a basic documentary form and was done entirely on location. Comparisons are made to...
The Beautiful Phantom of Daisy Bank | Palmetto Special
This prograrn was adapted from a story in the book, The Return of the Gray Man, by Julian Stevenson Bolick. It was produced on location, but not necessarily where the story supposedly takes place. No...
McConnell Log Cabin: Used Half-Dovetail Notching | Historic Brattonsville
The McConnell Log Cabin was moved here in 1983 from its original site on the McConnell Plantation three miles west of Brattonsville. It is typical of a later Scots-Irish dwelling that would have been...
Living History: Made By Hand | Historic Brattonsville
The first Scots-Irish settlers had to be self-sufficient because they were often isolated from other people by distances of miles. Food had to be acquired through gardening, herding and hunting. Cloth...
McConnell Log Cabin: Used Broad Axe | Historic Brattonsville
The broad axe is believed to be of Viking origin dating to early Scandinavia. It was used as both a weapon and a tool. It is likely that Scots-Irish would have been familiar with its use before coming...
McConnell Log Cabin - More Permanent Structure: Logs | Historic Brattonsville
This detail of the logs in the McConnell Log Cabin depict how the logs were more carefully hewn and prepared as compared to the rough timbers used to construct the Backwoods Cabin. By this time the...