South Carolina Culture

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Living History: Made By Hand | Historic Brattonsville
Episode 3


The first Scots-Irish settlers had to be self-sufficient because they were often isolated from other people by distances of miles. Food had to be acquired through gardening, herding and hunting. Cloth...
House Chamber: State Mace | The SC State House


The symbol of authority in the House Chambers is the state mace. Whenever members of the House attend state occasions or events held in the Senate Chambers, the mace is always borne by the Sergeant-at...
Senate Chamber: Sword of State | The SC State House


The sword of state is the South Carolina Senate’s symbol of authority. The sword rests in the customary rack on the Senate rostrum in front of the President’s chair during the daily sessions and is...
Senate Chamber Photos | The SC State House
Senate Chamber Photos | The SC State House


The South Carolina Senate is one of the two lawmaking branches of state government that make up the South Carolina General Assembly. The Senate Chamber is located off the main lobby. Every year, the...
Main Lobby Art | The SC State House
Main Lobby Art | The SC State House


As is common with other areas of the State House, memorials, statuary, and other objects of art can be seen in the main lobby. These include a marble replica of the Ordinance of Secession, a memorial...