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Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for Science standards.

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Beaver | Appalachian Cove (S.C.) | NatureScene
Beaver | Appalachian Cove (S.C.) | NatureScene


• Castor canadiensis • Largest rodent in North America • Chiefly nocturnal • Rich, brown, waterproof fur • Huge front teeth • Large webbed hind feet and powerful hind legs • Naked, scaly, paddle...
Wild Indigo | Cartwheel Bay (S.C.)
Wild Indigo | Cartwheel Bay (S.C.)


• Baptista tinctoria • Smooth, bushy perennial 90 cm (3 feet) tall • Numerous elongated terminal clusters of yellow pea-like flowers • Flowers 1.3 cm (0.5 inches) long • Leaves palmately compound •...
Venus Flytrap | Cartwheel Bay (S.C.)
Venus Flytrap | Cartwheel Bay (S.C.)


Dionaea muscipula Unique to the two Carolinas Endangered Carnivorous plant 10 - 30 cm (4 - 12 inches) tall with white flowers cluster atop leafless stalk Stalk rises above rosette of bristly, folded...
Trumpet Pitcher Plant | Cartwheel Bay (S.C.)
Trumpet Pitcher Plant | Cartwheel Bay (S.C.)


Sarracenia flava Carnivorous plant 60 - 90 cm (2 - 3 feet) with nodding, brown-red flowers Clusters of erect, hollow, pitcher-like leaves Leaves colored at top with red-purple veins on white...
Toothache Grass | Carthweel Bay (S.C.)
Toothache Grass | Carthweel Bay (S.C.)


Ctenium aromaticum • Tufted perennial • Does well in pine savannahs • Base contains old fibrous leaf bases • Fresh herbage and inflorescence, when bruised or crushed • Very aromatic like citrus •...
Sweet Pitcher Plant | Carthweel Bay (S.C.)
Sweet Pitcher Plant | Carthweel Bay (S.C.)


Sarracenia rubra • Carnivorous plant • Slender, erect trumpet • 10 - 50 cm (4 - 20 inches) tall • Foliage green-veined with red • Very fragrant flowers like English Violets • Habitats include sandy...
Sundew | Cartwheel Bay (S.C.)
Sundew | Cartwheel Bay (S.C.)


• Drosera rotundifolia • Insectivorous herb • White flowers in elongated, one-sided cluster • Flowers on leafless stalk rise above rosette of small, reddish, sticky basal leaves • Radially symmetrical...
Charles Hard Townes | History of SC Slide Collection
Charles Hard Townes | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 138


Charles Hard Townes (1915-2015 ) is South Carolina's only Nobel Prize winner, an honor he was awarded for his development of the laser. This photograph shows him accepting that award in Stockholm...
Lee State Park (S.C.) Stop 2 | NatureScene
Episode 2


On this stop the hosts see more butterfly pea flowers. Watch the video to find out what animal tracks were seen. Learn about the structure of a turtle's shell.
Lee State Park (S.C.) Stop 3 | NatureScene
Episode 3


The hosts come across some very large mosquitoes. Mosquitoes love standing water. It's the female mosquito that takes blood from us. There are flowers that grow along this stop like sweetgum, red...