
Amphibians are cold-blooded vertebrates that can live in water and on land.
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Appalachian Cove (S.C.) Stop 5
Episode 10


At this next stop, Rudy and Jim find Canada Violets, White Trillium, Blue Cohosh, and a Green Frog can be seen close-by near the stream. Other plants which dominate the area are Yellow Buckeye trees...
Little Pee Dee River (S.C.) Stop 3
Episode 7


The Southern Toad is a species of amphibian typical to the coastal plain. It is easily distinguishable due to the pair of crests between the eyes. The Long Winged Skimmer, an amber colored dragonfly...
Fowler's Toad | The Cove Forest
Fowler's Toad | The Cove Forest


(Bufo fowler) This toad is commonly found in the deciduous woods of the Carolinas. It differs from the American Toad by having more than two warts in each dorsal dark spot. The large glands behind the...
Jordan's Salamander | The Cove Forest


(Plenthodon jordani) This lungless salamander is extremely abundant in cove forests at higher altitudes. Large quantities of sticky mucus are secreted by the tail for protection against avian...
Ocoee Salamander | The Cove Forest


(Desmognathus ocoee) The ocoee salamander is lungless and lives in streams in wet areas adjacent to streams. It has a highly variable dorsal color patterning; usually a series of connected paired...
Red Salamader | The Cove Forest


(Pseudotrition ruber) The red is one of the most beautiful salamanders in the cove forest. Colors range from purplish brown to deep orange-red. It is lungless and terrestrial. Eggs are laid in water...
Spotted Salamander | The Cove Forest


(Ambystoma maculatum) The spotted salamander is one of the most colorful of the ambystomid salamanders. The shiny black back of the animal has a series of large yellow/yellow orange spots. These...
Two-Lined Salamander | The Cove Forest


(Eurycea bislineata) The two-lined is one of the smallest salamanders in the cove forest. This species is found under logs and rocks in the moist soil conditions, usually near water. Breeding occurs...
Wood Frog | The Cove Forest


(Rana sylvatica) This medium sized frog is primarily a northern species with its most southerly distribution associated with the cove forests of the mountain of SC. It is ieasily identifiied by its...
Black-Bellied Salamander | The Cove Forest


(Desmognathus quadramaculatus) This is the largest of the lungless salamanders in the cove forests. They are usually found in streams that have a rocky bottom and usually rest on wet rocks near these...