In the aftermath of the 1876 election, Wade Hampton III stood on the steps of the State House on November 28, 1876, urging his followers to avoid acts of violence. Hampton and the Democrats elected to...Standard
8.4.CX Extender
Grade(s): 8
Subject(s): Social Studies
Year: 2019
In this Reconstruction-era cartoon labeled "The Present Stage," Governor Franklin Moses, Jr. (see Franklin I. Moses) is pictured in the embrace of African-American voters. Moses had been a supporter...Video
Noted South Carolina historian Dr. Walter Edgar discusses the key issues in SC History. South Carolina Enters the 20th Century, Part I is discussed in three lessons: Predominately agricultural through...Photo
Women celebrate the passing of the 19th Amendment in 1920. The amendment allowed them the right to vote for the first time. Photo courtesy: Business and Professional WomenLesson
Objectives Discover the history behind women’s suffrage Develop vocabulary related to civics and citizenship Make personal connections to suffrage history
Students will examine and analyze the historical photographs found on the sites, Between the Waters, Georgetown County Digital Library, and the Belle W. Baruch Collection .
This show explains the importance of the election of 1876 and as a result how SC at one time had 2 governors from different political parties, who tried to rule the state at the same time...Lesson
During Reconstruction and the years following the end of Reconstruction, segregation and redemptive southern policies greatly affected the lives of African Americans. Use the background information...
The students will be able to create either a free verse poem or journal entry as if they were a freed man during the Civil War Reconstruction Period in order to explain life in SC based on political...
Noted South Carolina historian Dr. Walter Edgar discusses the key issues in SC History. Reconstruction is discussed in three lessons: Difficult Period in History Economics Election Issues.