The Impact of Reconstruction on Children’s Lives | Reconstruction 360


Enslaved people did not have full rights to their children, or control over their lives. When freedom came, parents could take an active role in the upbringing of their children, leading to stronger parental bonds and more stable families.

Reconstruction 360 uses a 360 degree video platform as a storytelling device that lets the audience step inside pivotal Reconstruction events. By clicking on icons within the 360 video the user can access short documentaries that offer the perspectives of multiple characters. Reconstruction 360 also includes lesson plans, primary documents, curriculum standards and a geolocative walking tour of Reconstruction sites in downtown Columbia, S.C. This module, 40 Acres and a Mule, focuses on the theme of land and labor at the close of the Civil War. It is a prototype for a larger project that will include five more themes.



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