Pages of History: The First 200 Years of The Post And Courier

Carolina Stories is pleased to present this classic ETV documentary. The Post and Courier was founded in 1803. Throughout its long history, this family-owned newspaper has served Charleston and the low country, publishing news of war, fire, earthquake, and hurricane, and taking important stands on critical issues.

Closed captioning has been provided for this broadcast program.

 Pages of History: Introduction | Carolina Stories 1
Pages of History: Introduction | Carolina Stories
Episode 1


On January 10, 2003, the South’s oldest daily newspaper, The Charleston Post and Courier, celebrates an important milestone: their bicentennial. This newspaper has reported on war, struggles, natural...
 Pages of History: Founding | Carolina Stories 2
Pages of History: Founding | Carolina Stories
Episode 2


On January 10, 1803, The Charleston Courier was launched by two federalist proprietors from Massachusetts: Aaron Smith Willington, and Loring Andrews, and from Ireland was Stephen Cullen Carpenter...
 Pages of History: The Civil War | Carolina Stories 3
Pages of History: The Civil War | Carolina Stories
Episode 3


In 1844, William S. King took over as editor of the Courier, and revolutionized the newspaper by employing a new technology for instantly receiving information: the telegraph. He also established a...