Native Americans also participated in the American Revolution. The Catawbas, for the most part, sided with the Colonialist Patriots, due to their friendship, and ties to settlers in the surrounding areas. The larger Cherokee tribes sided with the British. The Cherokee saw the British as more powerful, and desired to protect their land from further encroachment by settlers.
en Espanol
Los nativos americanos también participaron en la Revolución Americana. Los Catawba, en su mayor parte, se pusieron del lado de los Patriotas Colonialistas, debido a su amistad y lazos con los colonos en las áreas circundantes. La tribu más grande, los Cherokees, se puso del lado de los británicos. Los Cherokees vieron a los británicos como más poderosos y deseaban proteger su tierra de una mayor invasión de los colonos.
- USHC.1.CE Assess the major developments of the American Revolution through significant turning points in the debates over independence and self-government from 1763-1791.
- This indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into the relative causes and effects of the American Revolution through an analysis of the political and social progression of colonial desires for reform to colonial desires for independence. In addition, this indicator encourages inquiry into the impact of early founding documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and the Bill of Rights.