The British fort, or "redoubt" at Ninety Six was nick-named "The Star Fort," due to the shape of the stronghold. The "star fort" provided an effective defensive position, built adjacent to the town of Ninety Six.
en Espanol
La fortaleza temporal británica en el Ninety Six, fue apodado Star Fort (Fortaleza Estrella), debido a la forma de la fortaleza. El “Star Fort” proporciono una posición defensiva eficaz, construida conjunta a la cuidad de Ninety Six.
- 4.2.CE Examine the economic and political motivations for colonists to declare independence from Great Britain.
- This indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into how the colonies began to unify to create a distinctive American identity over the course of events of the American Revolution.
- 8.2.CX Contextualize the roles of various groups of South Carolinians as the colonies moved toward becoming an independent nation.
- This indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into the motivations of colonists during the American Revolution and the progression of conflict and failed compromise that ultimately led to revolution.
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