Colonel Thaddeus Kosciuszko was a Polish–Lithuanian military engineer and a military leader who became a national hero in Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, and the United States. During the Siege of Ninety Six, Kosciuszko served as the chief combat engineer under General Nathaniel Greene. Greene and Kosciuszko devised a plan to dig a shaft underground, towards the Star Fort, and pack it with black powder, which would be ignited and blow a massive hole in the Star Fort walls. Progress digging the tunnel was slow, due to constant attacks from Lieutenant Colonel John Cruger's British troops, sent at night to disrupt siege operations.
en Espanol
El coronel Thaddeus Koscuiszko fue el ingeniero militar polaco-lituano y un líder militar que se convirtió en un héroe nacional en Polonia, Lituania, Bielorrusia y Estados Unidos. Durante el bloqueo de Ninety Six, Kosciuszko se desempeñó como ingeniero jefe de combate bajo el mando el mando del General Nathaniel Greene. Greene and Kosciuszko idearon un plan para cavar un pozo bajo tierra, hacia el Star Fort, y empacarlo con polvera negra, que se incendiarían y haría un enorme agujero en las paredes del Star Fort. El avance de la excavación del túnel fue lento, debido a los constantes ataques de las tropas británicas del Teniente Coronel John Cruger, enviadas por la noche para interrumpir las operaciones de bloqueo.
- 4.2.CE Examine the economic and political motivations for colonists to declare independence from Great Britain.
- 4.2.P Analyze the sequence of events that led to the establishment of the U.S. as a democratic republic.
- 4.2.CX Contextualize South Carolina’s role in the development of the new nation.
- 8.2.CE Explain the economic, political, and social factors surrounding the American Revolution.
- This indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into how the colonies began to unify to create a distinctive American identity over the course of events of the American Revolution.
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