American Civil War (1861-1865)

Learn the individual stories of men and women who were involved in major events leading up to, during and after the The Civil War (1861-1865).

Lincoln's Challengers | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 3


In this segment, Dr. Waugh discusses Lincoln’s challengers during the election of 1864, and how he handled them. His opponents include the “Copperheads,” the “Cleveland 400,” and General Benjamin...
The Democratic Convention | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 6


Dr. Waugh examines the 1864 Democratic Convention, and analyzes the challenges democrats faced during their own convention. With General George T. Sherman taking Atlanta, along with the Shenandoah...
The Campaign | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 1


In this first segment on President Abraham Lincoln’s re-election in 1864, Dr. John C. “Jack” Waugh discusses Lincoln’s campaign, and the deep divisions within the Republican Party, despite their...
Could Soldiers Vote? | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 7


One issue Union soldiers faced during the 1864 election was whether or not they would be able to vote. Dr. Waugh discusses a new innovation which started during the Civil War: soldiers being able to...
George McClellan's Campaign | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 8


In this final segment on Lincoln’s Re-election, Dr. Waugh touches on George McClellan’s democratic campaign, and outlines the crucial role McClellan’s wife, Mary, played in supporting him throughout.
Abraham Lincoln | A Minute with Miles


President's Day is observed in the United States on the third Monday of February. February 12 is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, and I wonder if you knew that our sixteenth president was a great music...
Breaking The Stalemate | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 6


Dr. Morgan first talks about the efficiency of the Confederate postal system, and how soldiers were able to share their senses of humor in letters written back home. Dr. Morgan then analyzes how...