American Civil War (1861-1865)

Learn the individual stories of men and women who were involved in major events leading up to, during and after the The Civil War (1861-1865).

Grant's Misfortunes | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 2


Winston Groom discusses the mishaps General Ulysses S. Grant and his amphibious force faced with their attempts to take Vicksburg. Grant applied trial and error with different methods of trying to...
A Shift In Sentiment | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 1


In this first segment, Dr. Melissa Walker discusses the increasing civilian distaste for the war, as observed in letters written to soldiers out in the field. Dr. Walker also notes how civilians...
The Refugee Crisis | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 2


The Up Country faced a refugee crisis near the end of the war. People fled from the coast to escape the war, and Dr. Walker discusses how difficult it was to provide provisions and assets for them.