National Great Outdoors Month

National Great Outdoors Month is celebrated in June and serves as a reminder to enjoy and appreciate our state parks and wildlife refuges. This observation, begun in 1998, encourages us to explore our parks and enjoy the beauty that awaits us in our natural world.

National Great Outdoors Month is celebrated in June and serves as a reminder to enjoy and appreciate our state parks and wildlife refuges. This observation, begun in 1998, encourages us to explore our parks and enjoy the beauty that awaits us in our natural world.

Big Bend Tree Lizard | Expeditions Shorts


Patrick McMillan visits the sunny, rocky slopes of Jeff Davis County, Texas, where he shows us the Big Bend Tree Lizard. This lizard is a subspecies of tree lizard, and they are described as “ornate”...
Longleaf Pine Flatwoods | Expeditions Shorts


Patrick McMillan visits Apalachicola National Forest in Florida, where we see Longleaf Pine Flatwoods. Here in these flatwoods dwell many species of low growing plants: Gallberry shrubs, Dwarf...
Pond Cypress Savannah | Expeditions Shorts


Patrick visits Florida Bay, located in Francis Marion National Forest, South Carolina. Here, we see a savannah, filled with Pond Cypress trees, Savannah Iris flowers, Tall Milkwort flowers, and Purple...
Venus Fly Trap | Expeditions Shorts


Patrick McMillan visits Apalachicola National Forest, in Florida, where he showcases a Venus Flytrap. The Flytrap, described by Charles Darwin as “the most amazing plant on earth,” is a carnivorous...
Receding Glacier | Expeditions Shorts


Here on the Kenai Peninsula, in Alaska, Patrick McMillan shows us evidence of a global interglacial period. On the Kenai Peninsula, we see a receding glacier, which has moved back hundreds of feet in...
Dall Sheep | Expeditions Shorts


Dall Sheep are found roaming the mountains located within the interior region of Alaska. This species of sheep is native to Alaska, and are also found in some parts of Canada. Bighorn Sheep are also...
Northern Pine Snake | Expeditions Shorts


In the Francis Marion National Forest, Patrick McMillan shows a rather uncommon species of snake found in this area: the Northern Pine Snake. The dark patterns found on the top of the snake blend in...
Giant Sacaton Grass | Expeditions Shorts


Here at Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch in Arizona, Patrick McMillan and Linda Kennedy talk about Giant Sacaton Grass, which makes a great habitat for sparrows, and diamond-back rattlesnakes.
Oak Toad | Expeditions Shorts


Here in Francis Marion National Forest, in South Carolina, Patrick McMillan shows us the Oak Toad, one of the smallest in the toad species. Its unique skin colorations are perfect for camouflaging...
Sumter National Forest (S.C.) Stop 4
Episode 4


Columbo plants can remain in a vegetative state for up to thirty years before it sends up a flower stalk. Morel mushrooms and Devil’s Urn are species of fungi, which help break down dead materials in...