National Great Outdoors Month

National Great Outdoors Month is celebrated in June and serves as a reminder to enjoy and appreciate our state parks and wildlife refuges. This observation, begun in 1998, encourages us to explore our parks and enjoy the beauty that awaits us in our natural world.

National Great Outdoors Month is celebrated in June and serves as a reminder to enjoy and appreciate our state parks and wildlife refuges. This observation, begun in 1998, encourages us to explore our parks and enjoy the beauty that awaits us in our natural world.

Snow Buttercup | Expeditions Shorts


Patrick McMillan visits Loveland Pass, Colorado, where he shows us Snow Buttercup flowers. These flowers take advantage of the insulation provided by layers of snow. The snow also protects these...
Montezuma Quail | Expeditions Shorts


Here at Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch in Arizona, Patrick McMillan and Pedro Chavarria talk about an uncommon species of bird found in Arizona, the Montezuma Quail. This bird is a native of Mexico...
Birch Tundra | Expeditions Shorts


Here in the Seward Peninsula in Alaska, Patrick talks about tundras: vast open areas without trees, but many species of grass, and woody, shrubby plants, like the American Dwarf Birch, and Arctic...
Tufted Milkweed | Expeditions Shorts


Patrick McMillan, joined by Linda Kennedy, visits Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch in Arizona. Here, they showcase the Tufted Milkweed, a species of flower which grows in the area. What makes the...
Slave Cabin | Expeditions Shorts


Here at Nemors Plantation, in Beaufort County, South Carolina, Patrick McMillan shows us a nest of Black Vultures residing in an old, dilapidated slave cabin dating back to the 1700’s! One black...
Least Grebe | Expeditions Shorts


Here in the Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, in Alamo, Texas, Patrick McMillan shows us several species of duck in this area: the Least Grebe, and the Pied-Billed Grebe. Black-Necked Stilts, a...
Florida Yellow Bladderwort | Expeditions Shorts


In Apalachicola National Forest, Patrick talks about Karst Topography, or giant limestone sinkholes located all over Florida. When these sinkholes fill up with water, many species of plants and...
Grassland | Expeditions Shorts


In this segment, Patrick visits Rocky Mountain National Park, in Colorado. Here we see vast fields of cool season grasslands. Many of the animals, such as Rocky Mountain Elk, depend on these grasses...