ETV StreamlineSC

Find video series that have been locally produced by SCETV, or by SCETV with other entities, or with rights obtained for South Carolina-use ONLY.

Please note that some programs may be downloaded for educational use ONLY; however, others have rights restrictions that do not allow for downloading. For videos that can be downloaded for educational use, you will see a download button under the video player. Please contact us with any questions. 

Leapin Lizards! | Environmental Ed


Did you know that animals can actually help tell us whether our environment is healthy or not? Like the quality of air, water, and temperature? Lizards really are our friends—valuable contributors to...
Pollution 101! | Environmental Ed


Pollution: is any human-made change in nature that creates a harmful effect on living things. Now that’s a BIG earth problem that’s a BIG people problem. Pollution: is any human-made change in nature...
Rock Stars | Environmental Ed


Environmental Ed introduces the idea that rocks and minerals are the backbone of our planet and addresses how they are made and how we can use them to make a better Earth.
Natures Food Chain Gang | Environmental Ed


Ecosystem ecology – is the integrated study of biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems and their interactions within an ecosystem. Environmental Ed explains food chains and food webs and the...
Surfing the Spider Web! | Environmental Ed


“Environmental Ed” introduces students to many interesting facts about spiders — even reminding us that these arthropods can be helpful Earth-friendly predators.
Goodness Snakes! | Environmental Ed


“Environmental Ed” introduces students to many interesting facts about snakes — even reminding us that the carnivorous snake may be the reptile that humans fear the most.
My Truck Smells Like French Fries | Environmental Ed


“Environmental Ed” informs us that biodiesel is among the most diverse fuels imaginable and that it is nontoxic and biodegradable. It can be produced from any fat or oil such as soybean and vegetable...