Foreign Language: Spanish

Produced by SC Department of Education with SCETV, Foreign Language: Spanish was designed to meet the needs of schools that would like to offer foreign languages, but have no language teacher and serves as an introductory-level course in Spanish.

Grades 1-5

Produced by SC Department of Education with SCETV, Foreign Language: Spanish was designed to meet the needs of schools that would like to offer foreign languages, but have no language teacher and serves as an introductory-level course in Spanish. Since language instruction is offered in a manner consistent with the recommendations of the South Carolina Foreign Languages Framework, all lessons present many Spanish words, with emphasis on the spoken word rather than the written word.

There are ten lessons in each series. Begin with First Step 101-110, then progress to Next Step 201-210, and then on to Another Step 301-310.

The AGAIN videos provide further practice.



SC Department of Education

SC Department of Education

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