EdAware: Eat Smart, Move More

Professional Development

EdAware is designed to increase understanding of the problem of childhood obesity and related health, nutrition and physical activity issues and to make viewers aware that they are part of the solution. Produced by eMedia and ETV, and developed in partnership with the SC Department of Education, ETV, SC DHEC, the USC School of Medicine, SC Institute for Childhood Obesity and Related Disorders (SCICORD), the SC Department of Agriculture, and the Eat Smart Move More SC Coalition.

Each of the programs begins with an expert such as Dr. James Stallworth, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at USC School of Medicine and Director of SCICORD, or Dr. Gariane P. Gunter, Psychiatry Fellow at Palmetto Richland Memorial Hospital, giving a brief description of the problem.  Then Susan Collier, MS, RD, LD with SC DHEC Region 3 hosts discussions with experts in pediatrics, public health, health education, nutrition, and other health and nutrition resources are shared also.

These programs, each highlighting an Eat Smart Move More SC theme, are important for adults who care about the health of children.

Each program is 26:46 in duration.

Please note: Some videos from this series contain links that may be outdated and are no longer accessible.

Eat Smart Move More is now Wholespire - view the announcement here. Visit Wholespire here

Be sure to visit the KnowItAll Healthy website here!


 Part 2: Move More Every Day | EdAware 102 102
Part 2: Move More Every Day | EdAware 102
Episode 102


Program 2 - EdAware: Move More Every Day After brief introduction by host Bette Jamison, SC Superintendent of Education Jim Rex provides information on the relationship between academics and physical...


SC Department of Education

SC Department of Education

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