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Forty Acre Rock (S.C.) Stop 3
Episode 6


Vernal Pools - Red Cedar trees commonly populate these rock outcropping areas. Lichens break down the rock surface, creating the dirt in which plants can grow. Black Rock Moss Haircap Moss...
Forty Acre Rock (S.C.) Stop 6
Episode 9


Large masses of granite such as this one, are sometimes called “Plutons,” named after the Roman god of the underworld. This is due the hot liquid granite coming up from the ground and cooling...
Forty Acre Rock (S.C.) Stop 4
Episode 7


After the rock gets broken down into soil, the first species of plant life to grow in these areas are mainly Stonecrops, along with Rock Sandwort.
Appalachian Cove (S.C.) Stop 2
Episode 4


Before the trees start to bloom, the flowers in the area explode with blossoms first. Here we see Lousewort and Pennywort flowers. While observing the flowers, Rudy and Jim come across a Black Chinned...
Appalachian Cove (S.C.) Stop 3
Episode 7


Another characteristic of this forest which makes it unique is that it is has remained relatively unchanged for millions of years. The Mayapple flower is a common flower in the area, and features an...
Appalachian Cove (S.C.) Stop 1
Episode 1


Rudy and Jim visit Appalachian Cove, in the Blue Ridge Mountains of South Carolina. Some of the flowering plants found here have cousins nowhere else in the world except China and Japan. At this first...
Appalachian Cove (S.C.) Stop 5
Episode 11


In the same stop, Rudy and Jim talk about the plants growing on a nearby rock: moss, Walking Fern, and another Canada Violet. On a nearby tree, Rudy and Jim find a cocoon of a Large Silkworm Moth.
Appalachian Cove (S.C.) Stop 6
Episode 12


The constant stream of mist coming from the waterfall at this next stop affects the variety of plants found here. The mountain, like the forest, is ancient, and the waterfall continues to wear away...
Appalachian Cove (S.C.) Stop 5
Episode 10


At this next stop, Rudy and Jim find Canada Violets, White Trillium, Blue Cohosh, and a Green Frog can be seen close-by near the stream. Other plants which dominate the area are Yellow Buckeye trees...
Appalachian Cove (S.C.) Stop 2
Episode 6


The increased amount of rain makes for a much more diversified forest when it comes to the tall trees in the area. Here we see the Tulip Tree, and the Understory Tree. Along the way Rudy and Jim come...