ETV StreamlineSC

Find video series that have been locally produced by SCETV, or by SCETV with other entities, or with rights obtained for South Carolina-use ONLY.

Please note that some programs may be downloaded for educational use ONLY; however, others have rights restrictions that do not allow for downloading. For videos that can be downloaded for educational use, you will see a download button under the video player. Please contact us with any questions. 

Emergency Air Rescue | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team learns about emergency air rescue. D.V. takes a ride in an emergency helicopter and learns all about the emergency care that takes place in the sky.
Fish Hatchery | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team investigates the workings of a fish hatchery. D.V. visits a fish hatchery where they raise trout. He learns about the scientific process of breeding trout and how they are managed...
Digital Television | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team discovers how digital television works. D.V. speaks with an engineer to learn about the difference between a digital and an analog signal, and the benefits of having a digital...
Fashion Designer | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team discovers what it takes to be a fashion designer. D.V. visits the fashion department at the American Intercontinental University and learns all about the things a fashion designer...
Emergency Room | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team learns what happens behind the scenes in the emergency room from the admissions process to how patients are cared for. A nurse explains what happens to a patient when he or she is...
Cave | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team explores a cave. D.V. visits Mammoth Cave and learns about the climate and temperature properties of a cave and what kinds of plants and animals live in caves.
Chef | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team learns what it takes to be a chef. D.V. visits the Culinary Institute where he learns that being a chef is much more than cooking, with courses in math for purchasing, food service...
Bar Code | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team learns about the purpose and importance of bar codes. D.V. visits a company that generates bar codes and learns the significance behind each number and bar that comprises a bar...
Aircraft | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team learns about manufacturing aircraft. D.V. goes to the Lockheed Martin Factory and teaches us all about the different parts of the plane while going down the assembly line.