Environmental Awareness

Earth Month and Earth Day (April 22)

Earth Month was established in April 1970 and is non-political. It is a month intended to develop momentum for a full year's worth of work on improving the environment. In this collection, you can learn about ways you can be involved in helping our planet!

Earth Day also began in 1970 and is celebrated annually around the world on April 22. Various events are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection. 

World Environmental Day (June 5)

World Environment Day is the United Nations day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment. It's celebrated annually on June 5.

World Car Free Day (Sept. 22) 

This day encourages motorists to take a day off from driving your vehicle and find other ways to go places that will not hurt the environment.


Sea Change, Part 2
Episode 2


Damage from rising water levels and storms can be seen with the naked eye, but how far does the damage really go? How much do these changes impact peoples’ daily lives, along with the environment...
Sea Change, Part 4
Episode 4


Hurricanes Matthew and Irma caused an incredible amount of damage to the low country, causing erosion, debris, and millions of dollars in property damage. Some peoples’ lives were hit hard; those who...
Sea Change, Part 6
Episode 6


The rising ocean temperatures are causing species of fish in the southeast to move further north. The increases in temperature, and salinity in the ocean will cause significant ecological shifts. As...
Sea Change, Part 3
Episode 3


The primary and most visible impact of climate change is the accelerated increase of sea levels. Localized flooding has always been a problem for citizens in Charleston and Beaufort, with impacts such...
Sustainable Consumption | Periscope
Sustainable Consumption | Periscope
Episode 3


The words "sustainable consumption" are used to describe a major goal of the U.N.. It's a couple of big words so lets break it down: The word sustainable means to sustain, or keep going. The word...
The Environment | Periscope
The Environment | Periscope
Episode 2


Can you imagine growing up in a world without the panda bear, forests, clean water and food? Around the world, pollution and development have affected the water, forests, animals, and air. The member...