Career Explorations!

KnowItAll brings an abundance of career education and job shadowing videos to your computer, tablet or mobile device! These videos provide insight into a wide array of professions, as students plan the pathway that best suits them.

Career Clusters connect school work with the knowledge and skills needed for success in college and careers. Each Career Cluster identifies pathways from secondary school to two- and four-year colleges, graduate school, and the workplace. These videos will motivate students to work harder to achieve their career goals. Please choose from any of the Career Clusters that interest you.

The Land
Episode 11


After living in New York and Atlanta, Pearl followed his job with a packaging company to rural Bishopville, South Carolina. Though Pearl had no family in the area, he literally "put roots" down after...
Episode 1


A typical Phil Greene canoe is a Spotlight of exotic and indigenous woods that were cut, sanded, carved and refined for six months or more. The canoes combine sculptural details with practical design...
Topiary Garden
Episode 3


Hedges and trees in Pearl's garden appear to flow and weave into one another, often making it difficult to see where one plant ends and another begins. The effect is created by tying the tips of...
Episode 6


Sumter's downtown Mosaic Garden is the result of Pearl Fryar's inspiration and design, the guidance of dedicated teachers, and the imagination of over 400 students. While Pearl arranged garden paths...
A Natural State
Episode 1


Jimmie is a self-taught craftsman, who initially picked up the art of fashioning vines and branches into wreaths and baskets while caring for an ailing parent. He honed his art and moved into the...
A Natural State
Episode 6


Rustic furniture has been around for a very long time, often languishing in attics and barns in rural areas. Some fine examples of rustic furniture were a legacy of the Civilian Conservation Corps...
Episode 1


Since the early 1970s, Nils-Udo has reshaped the land to achieve "absolute purity," where, "every non-natural element is ruled out as impure. No other materials are used but those found in each...
Touch the Earth
Episode 5


The nature-based art form blends natural materials, manmade construction and landscape into mysterious expressions of our relationship to the earth. The Serpent Mound in Ohio attributed to the Adena...