Spotlight - Nils Udo | A Natural State - Episode 1


Since the early 1970s, Nils-Udo has reshaped the land to achieve "absolute purity," where, "every non-natural element is ruled out as impure. No other materials are used but those found in each natural space." Nils' work began with "plantings" in his native Bavaria. Plantings shaped and organized trees, bushes, lawns, and flowers into forms that reflect nature's overall "cycles and rhythms." Originally a painter, the art form so inspired Nils that he spent the rest of his life dedicated to environmental art. Nils-Udo says of his work, "As part of nature, I lived and worked day after day in its rhythms, by its conditions. Life and work became a unity."

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Natural State / Blue Ridge | A Natural State / Nils Udo

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