Kaltura Share to Google Classroom Information Standards Healthy Hannah shows how a more colorful salad is a more nutritious one. Standards Nutrition and Physical ActivityN-1.1.1 Identify the food groups. Nutrition and Physical ActivityN-2.1.1 Identify eating behaviors that promote health, including oral health. Nutrition and Physical ActivityN-2.7.1 Demonstrate healthy food and beverage choices for meals and snacks. Nutrition and Physical ActivityN-3.1.3 Categorize food choices by food group. Nutrition and Physical ActivityN-5.1.2 Identify the benefits of following the current federal Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Nutrition and Physical ActivityN-5.7.1 Demonstrate healthy food and beverage choices along with physical activities that reduce or help eliminate health risks, including obesity and tooth decay. Nutrition and Physical ActivityN-K.5.1 Demonstrate steps taken when selecting healthy foods. Grades: PreK Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 Subjects: Health EducationNutrition and Physical Activity Collection: Knowitall Healthy!NutritionNational Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month & Love Your Produce Manager DayHealthNational Family Health & Fitness Day USANational Child Health DayInternational CollectionUnited Nations & International ObservancesInternational Youth Day Series: Healthy Hannah's Healthy Choice Heroes