The panel discusses the issues women face when it comes to voter suppression.
- 5.2.CX Contextualize the post-war economic climate on the cultural landscape throughout the United States and South Carolina.
- 5.2.E Evaluate multiple perspectives from the period, including the economic, political, and social impacts of World War I, the 1920s, the Great Depression, and the New Deal using primary and secondary sources.
- 8.4.CO Compare perspectives toward reform that engaged during the Progressive Era.
- This indicator was designed to encourage inquiry into how new state and federal Progressive legislation affected individuals and businesses in South Carolina and the U.S. The indicator was also designed to promote inquiry into the new perspectives that emerged regarding social and political change.
- USHC.3.CE Assess the causes and effects of significant turning points in the Populist and Progressive era from 1877–1924.
- USHC.4.CX Contextualize changes in American culture within new migration patterns, participation in global conflict, and capitalist business cycles.
- USHC.4.CC Examine the continuity and changes on the U.S. homefront surrounding World War I and World War II.
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