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Standard USHC.4.CX

USHC.4.CX Contextualize changes in American culture within new migration patterns, participation in global conflict, and capitalist business cycles.

Grade(s): 11

Subject(s): Social Studies

Year: 2019

Mann-Simons House Photo Gallery | Let's Go!
Mann-Simons House Photo Gallery | Let's Go!


Mann-Simons Partial Family Tree Mann-Simons Family Portraits Case of Excavated Artifacts, Including A Rubber "Bouncy" Ball Photograph of John Lucius Simons, Sr.'s Sons: John Lucius Simons, Jr. (Left)...
Vanishing Generation, Part 2
Episode 2


World War II occurred during the 1940s when segregation was still the norm in America. The African Americans who fought were in a segregated army even overseas in England. One of the reasons the...