U.S. History

The history of the United States beginning with the First Americans to Contemporary America in the 21st Century.
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SC Veterans in History, Part 1
Episode 1


Veterans Day was originally celebrated on Armistice Day on November 11, 1918 to commemorate the ending of hostilities in World War I. The Armistice was signed by President Woodrow Wilson on the 11th...
SC Veterans in History, Part 6
Episode 6


This segment provides information on the Confederate Relic Room and answers a question about women who served in the Civil War. The definition of the word "relic" is provided, and information about...
SC Veterans in History, Part 9
Episode 9


In this segment, the Korean War and the Vietnam War are discussed. Korea was known as a police action, and 466 South Carolinians were killed in that conflict, and four received Medals of Honor. In...