S.C. History

South Carolina's historical events, people and places. Content has been curated to meet South Carolina Social Studies Standards.
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Francis Marion | S.C. Hall of Fame


A historical visualization of Francis Marion's partisan campaigns during the American Revolution in South Carolina featuring the artwork of Illustrator James H. Palmer, Jr., combined with interviews...
Henry Laurens | S.C. Hall of Fame


Born in Charleston, South Carolina, Henry Laurens (1724-1792) was a rice planter, merchant, slave trader, and Revolutionary War leader. Signer of the Articles of Confederation and delegate to the...
Ambrose E. Gonzales | Legacy of Leadership Profile


1857–1926 Ambrose E. Gonzales was not only an illustrious journalist but a businessman who, against tremendous odds, kept afloat and saw flourish The State newspaper, which he and his brother, N. G...
William Gregg | Legacy of Leadership Profile


William Gregg (1800–1867) William Gregg, jeweler, watchsmith, champion of industry, and founder of the Graniteville Company, was known as the father of Southern cotton manufacturing. Gregg was born...
Andrew Jackson | S.C. Hall of Fame


General Andrew Jackson was born in Lancaster County, South Carolina in 1767. He fought in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. Jackson became a lawyer and moved to Nashville, Tennessee. He was...
James Lide Coker | Legacy of Leadership Profile


James Lide Coker (1837–1918) Farmer, father, soldier, businessman, merchant, banker, railroad man, industrialist—those are only a few of the titles describing James Lide Coker, who for nearly 60 years...
Charles E. Daniel | Legacy of Leadership Profile


Charles E. Daniel (1895–1964) Charles E. Daniel, founder of Daniel International Corporation, is credited with not only building many of the industrial plants that located in South Carolina during its...
Avery Research Center | Project Discovery Revisited


Charleston, South Carolina, is a city rich in African American culture. Sullivan’s Island, once an entry port from Africa for the slave trade, was considered the gateway to the United States. The...