S.C. History

South Carolina's historical events, people and places. Content has been curated to meet South Carolina Social Studies Standards.
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 What is Real Southern Cooking? 8
What is Real Southern Cooking?
Episode 8


Dr. Walter Edgar, John T. Edge, Author and Director of the Southern Foodways Alliance, University of Mississippi, Matt and Ted Lee, award winning cookbook authors will debate "What is Real Southern...
 Santee State Park | Destination: SC Parks
Santee State Park | Destination: SC Parks


Santee State Park is home to Lake Marion. Fishing, kayaking and canoeing are popular activities. There are also tours to learn about the wildlife. This area being wetlands hosts quite a few wildlife...
 Aiken State Park | Destination: SC Parks
Aiken State Park | Destination: SC Parks


Aiken State Park was built in 1934 by the Civilian Conservation Corps and its the second-oldest park in South Carolina. Many of the structures built still remain standing today. There is a lot of...