South Carolina - Late 20th & Early 21st Centuries

1945 -  Present. Meet South Carolinians who made significant contributions during Cold War America (1945-1991) and The Civil Rights Movement (1947 - 1972). Learn how the political and economic landscape evolved in South Carolina too.
South Carolina - Late 20th & Early 21st Centuries | Topics
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South Carolina - Late 20th & Early 21st Centuries | Topics
James Edwards
Episode 103


Governor Edwards established his own dental practice in Charleston County in 1960. Edwards gets a feeling of satisfaction by helping people, and this passion for helping others carried over into his...
Congressman Jim Clyburn, Part 3 | The Big Picture
Episode 3


With Clyburn’s success in Washington, he does not have as much time for golf like he used to. Clyburn’s rise through the ranks has been steady, and marked by his ability to reach across the aisle, and...
Congressman Jim Clyburn, Part 1 | The Big Picture
Episode 1


To say that Congressman Jim Clyburn is a driven man is an understatement. Clyburn had been involved in politics, one way or another, ever since his youth. It was during his time as South Carolina...
Congressman Jim Clyburn, Part 2 | The Big Picture
Episode 2


While serving as the head of the human affairs commission, Jim Clyburn was unsuccessful in his two attempts to be elected South Carolina’s secretary of state. Clyburn’s determination to win put him...
Matthew Perry
Episode 102


Upon returning home to Columbia, Matthew Perry established the Jenkins and Perry Law Firm, and became the chief legal counsel for the S.C. NAACP, where he began the battle toward the desegregation of...
Matthew Perry
Episode 103


In 1975, after a nomination from Senator Strom Thurmond, then President Gerald Ford nominated Matthew Perry to a position on the U.S. Court of Military Appeals. Perry discusses what the Court of...
Matthew Perry
Episode 101


Matthew Perry was born in Columbia, South Carolina, on August 3, 1921. Perry grew up in Columbia, and attended South Carolina State University, where he studied business administration. His education...
William Jennings Bryan Dorn
Episode 101


Congressman William Jennings Bryan Dorn returns to his home in Greenwood, South Carolina, to run for governor. While his name is not an everyday, household name, W.J. Bryan Dorn left an indelible mark...
William Jennings Bryan Dorn
Episode 102


Washington D.C. was never considered home for Congressman W.J. Bryan Dorn. For Dorn, home was always Greenwood, South Carolina. His family lived in the Barratt Home, built in 1855, and bought by Dorn...
William Jennings Bryan Dorn
Episode 103


After the governor seat slipped by W.J. Bryan Dorn a third time, he threw his support behind candidate Dick Riley, who won the election. Dorn devoted the final years of his political career to his...