James Edwards - Governor, Part 1 | Profile - Episode 101


In this first segment of Profile, James Edwards is on the campaign trail, before the summer primary election in 1974. Edwards would face several challenges during this campaign, like less time to campaign, less money to finance the campaign, and not being as well-known as his political opponent, retired General William Westmoreland. Edwards entered politics because he felt something had to be done about the problems facing the U.S. Whenever he was not on the campaign trail, Edwards devoted his time to working at his dental practice, or at the S.C. State House, serving as a senator representing Charleston County. Against all odds, Edwards won the republican primary, and then during the election for S.C. governor, Edwards received support from other top republican figures, such as Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, and President Gerald Ford.

While on the campaign trail, Edwards tours through South Carolina, speaking with voters and allowing them to voice their concerns.