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Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for Science standards.

Take a quick look at all Science series on


Forms of Weather
Forms of Weather


The students will learn about various forms of weather and be able to explain which are alike through grouping.

Bird adaptations
Bird adaptations


Students will engage in a project-based learning lesson to discover how beak adaptations affect what birds eat.

Earth's Landforms and Bodies of Water
Earth's Landforms and Bodies of Water


The students will have a brief understanding of Earths Landforms. They will be able to classify bodies of water including oceans, rivers, lakes, and ponds.

Melt the Ice - Rainbow Style
Melt the Ice - Rainbow Style


This lesson is full of learning opportunities! Students will learn basic science vocabulary, make hypothesees, make observations and work as a team to see who can make their rainbow ice melt the...

Shadow Makers
Shadow Makers


Students will learn about the earth’s rotation and how shadows are made in this fun science lesson.

Threats of the Marsh | The Salt Marsh
Threats of the Marsh | The Salt Marsh


Pesticides, manure, and fertilizers run off farm fields and enter the food chain of the marsh. Chemicals from factories are also added to the rivers and end up downstream in the salt marsh, where they...
Biomagnification | The Salt Marsh
Biomagnification | The Salt Marsh


How can low levels of DDT in farm fields end up at high levels in ospreys? Several different pesticides, an example of which is DDT, can be biomagnified by the food chain. The pesticides are used to...
Tides | The Salt Marsh


Tides flood into the salt marsh twice a day and bring salty water from the sea. Then twice each day the tide ebbs and leaves the salt marsh high and dry. The tides are at their highest (and lowest)...
Terrapin | The Salt Marsh


The upper surface of the terrapin's shell, called the carapace, is formed of 13 plates, or scutes. Each scute is roughly circular and grooved with rings. Since one ring is formed each year, the age of...