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Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for Science standards.

Take a quick look at all Science series on


Inside a Seed
Inside a Seed


Students will learn what happens after pollination occurs: seeds are made! Students will examine seeds and learn how they become adult plants.

Resource Warfare
Resource Warfare


A simulation to give students an understanding of the conditions that trees need to live and grow and to help them learn that trees often must compete for their needs.

Hummingbirds: Birds that Pollinate
Hummingbirds: Birds that Pollinate


Students will learn about hummingbirds and how they act as specific pollinators to certain types of plants/ flowers. Students will make their own hummingbird feeders to understand how they feed.

Butterflies: Our Pollinators
Butterflies: Our Pollinators


Students will learn about how butterflies and how they act as pollinators. Students will examine how butterfly patterns help them blend in with their environments and avoid predation.

Butterflies & Life Cycle
Butterflies & Life Cycle


Students will examine the concept of metamorphosis and how it is related to the butterfly life cycle. Students will understand why each stage in the butterfly life cycle is important. Students will...

All About Bees
All About Bees


Students will learn about bumblebees and how important their habitat is to their survival. Students will learn the importance of bumblebees including their habitats, what they eat, and how they...

Flower Power
Flower Power


Students will examine the various parts of flowers through the use of dissection Students will understand how pollination occurs

Introduction to Pollinators
Introduction to Pollinators


Students will learn what pollinators are, why they are important, and some examples of who these pollinators are. Students will be able to identify how pollination occurs and important crops that are...

Process Skills
Process Skills


Students will learn about the six different types of skills and participate in daily activities/mini-labs to help them better understand the importance of each.

Light and Shadows
Light and Shadows


The students will learn how shadows form. They will also learn how shadows change as the light source change.