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Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for Science standards.

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Plate Movements - Lateral | NASA Online
Plate Movements - Lateral | NASA Online


At a lateral plate boundary, plates slide past each other. The San Andreas fault in California is an example of a transform plate boundary, where the Pacific Plate slides past the North American Plate...
Plate Movements - Convergent | NASA Online
Plate Movements - Convergent | NASA Online


At a convergent plate boundary, lithospheric plates move toward each other. The west margin of the South American continent, where the oceanic Nazca Plate is pushed toward and beneath the continental...
Plate Movements - Divergent | NASA Online
Plate Movements - Divergent | NASA Online


At a divergent plate boundary lithospheric plates move away from each other. As the two sides move away from each other, magma wells up from the Earth's interior. It then solidifies into rock as it is...
How Sound Travels | NASA Online
How Sound Travels | NASA Online


The speed at which sound travels from one place to another depends upon the medium and how closely packed the molecules are in the matter. Learn more about how sound travels from the simulation.
Wave Traits | NASA Online
Wave Traits | NASA Online


A wave is energy in motion or energy moving from point to point. To describe the traits of a wave, there are a few terms you need to know. Choose a term in the activity to display its description in...