South Carolina played a key role in events that occurred before, during, and after the Civil War; and those events, in turn, greatly affected the state. To understand South Carolina’s experiences during this tumultuous time, the student will uti...

Grade(s): 3

Subject(s): Social Studies

Year: 2011

Slave Hire System | Eye on the Past


History of slavery in urban settings and the tags worn by slaves who were hired to work for the city or for other slave owners in cities like Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, and Norfolk. Laws required...
Secession, Part 2 | Palmetto Heritage


Back in South Carolina in December 1860 for a short Christmas break, Allen finds the Secession convention in session at the First Baptist Church in Columbia. He then accompanies his father, who is a...
John C. Calhoun | Palmetto Heritage


It is the summer of 1829 and Vice-President Calhoun is spending the Congressional recess at his home near Pendleton, South Carolina. His youngest daughter, Cornelia is helping her father with his...
Brooks-Sumner Affair | Palmetto Heritage


In 1857 during the heated debate on Kansas in the Senate, Charles Sumner delivered a two-day speech entitled "The Crime Against Kansas," which contained an insulting denunciation of Senator Andrew...
Secession, Part 1 | Palmetto Heritage


The story begins in 1858 in South Carolina. William Taylor's cousin Allen is visiting from Connecticut. Secession "fever" is rapidly engulfing the state. The scene shifts to West Point where the...