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Standard C.MC.1.5

C.MC.1.5 Consider new ideas and diverse perspectives of others when forming opinions; qualify or justify views based on evidence presented regarding a topic, text, or issue.

Grade(s): 8

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Year: 2015

Riding the Waves of Sound
Riding the Waves of Sound


This lesson focuses on investigating sound, both volume and pitch by engaging students through investigation activities. Along with these activities, direct instruction, and 1:1 activities are...

Horses As Heroes - Marsh Tackies
Horses As Heroes - Marsh Tackies


"The ancestry of East Coast barrier island wild horse breeds traces back to Spanish explorers, who were adept at the use of horses for travel, work and war. Questions remain as to whether the horses...

Creative Resistance to Taxation on the Colonies
Creative Resistance to Taxation on the Colonies


Background information: Students have previously learned of the mercantile economic system and the Navigational Act of 1651. As transatlantic trade increased it became more difficult for England to...

The Pursuit of Francis Marion
The Pursuit of Francis Marion


Help the Patriot Cause!! - The following letter is an “imagined correspondence” between Colonel Francis Lord Rawdon, British commanding officer of the British outpost at Camden, and Lieutenant Colonel...

Loyalists and Patriots
Loyalists and Patriots


In these lessons, students will investigate the points of view of colonists who supported remaining loyal to Britain and those of colonists who supported breaking ties with Britain.

A New Nation and State
A New Nation and State


The Constitutional Convention was a gathering of state delegates to rewrite the Articles of Confederation and create the Constitution. Nine of the Thirteen colonies were needed to ratify the...

The Challenge of Freedom
The Challenge of Freedom


The students will be able to create a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation about the influence of the Reconstruction Policy in relation to the Freedmen’s Bureau, Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan, Congress’...

The Progressive Movement Continues?
The Progressive Movement Continues?


The Progressive Movement marked a period of great change in society and increased involvement of American government in the regulation of American society. Today, people still debate the role of...

Commemorating the "War to End All Wars"
Commemorating the "War to End All Wars"


In this unit students will review the events leading up to the United States’ involvement in World War I, analyze President Wilson’s speech to Congress asking them to vote favorably for war, explore...