8.2.CE Extender

Grade(s): 8

Subject(s): Social Studies

Year: 2019

The Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon
The Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon


Students will demonstrate their understanding of four historical, South Carolina figures and how their roles during the Revolution contributed to Charleston history, as well as make a connection...

Horses As Heroes - Marsh Tackies
Horses As Heroes - Marsh Tackies


"The ancestry of East Coast barrier island wild horse breeds traces back to Spanish explorers, who were adept at the use of horses for travel, work and war. Questions remain as to whether the horses...

Creative Resistance to Taxation on the Colonies
Creative Resistance to Taxation on the Colonies


Background information: Students have previously learned of the mercantile economic system and the Navigational Act of 1651. As transatlantic trade increased it became more difficult for England to...

The Pursuit of Francis Marion
The Pursuit of Francis Marion


Help the Patriot Cause!! - The following letter is an “imagined correspondence” between Colonel Francis Lord Rawdon, British commanding officer of the British outpost at Camden, and Lieutenant Colonel...

Old Exchange | Ghosts & Legends I


Old Exchange Building and Provost Dungeon, Charleston, S.C. Isaac Hayne was imprisoned there in 1781. He was a very popular businessman, well-off, whom they led through the streets of Charleston, by...
Andrew Pickens | S.C. Hall of Fame


8-minute biography of the life of American Revolution militia leader and US Congressman, General Andrew Pickens. Through the use of available archival materials, scholar interviews, and historical...