8.1.CO Extender

Grade(s): 8

Subject(s): Social Studies

Year: 2019

Gullah Culture


Ron and Natalie Daise of Beaufort, South Carolina, share Negro Spirituals during their Gullah-based performance. This was excerpted from the full show, Gullah Culture.
Gullah Culture | The Palmetto Special


With bridges from the islands to the mainland, the advent of radio and television, and the simple passage of time, this unique culture and language has been eroding. Ron and Natalie Daise of Beaufort...
Rice Cultivation


Paul then leaves to check on some trucks at one of his plantations. There he visits two slaves, Tricia and John Judah, who describe for him the functional operation of the Trunk System. This was...
Rice Cultivation | Palmetto Special


Three students take a field trip in "The Palmetto Special" as it travels from Columbia to Georgetown. After a brief stop at Poinsett State Park in Sumter County, the van arrives in Georgetown where...
Charles Town | Palmetto Special


A dramatic sequence is included in this wraparound. It is an analogy to the eight Lords Proprietors receiving the grant of Carolina from King Charles II. Five people gather for lunch to discuss a...
Gullah Culture


This is an excerpt from the full episode, Gullah Culture. Ron Daise shares the story, "Bring My Clock Back."
Charlesfort | Palmetto Special


This episode goes from Columbia to Parris Island in Beaufort County. Parris Island today is the home of a large Marine Corps training base. There is a monument there, similar in the design to one...
Middle Passage | Gullah Music
Episode 2


European slave traders brought Africans to the New World on ships as early as the 1400s. These voyages across the Atlantic Ocean are called the Middle Passage. It was a terrible experience for the...
West African Slaves | Pee Dee Explorer


Find out how slaves were transported from West Africa to South Carolina. Also, discover the culture and language influences as Karl McAlister, Francis Marion University Librarian, takes us on a tour...