8.1.CE Extender

Grade(s): 8

Subject(s): Social Studies

Year: 2019

Beyond Barbados: Sweet Success | Carolina Stories
Episode 2


Sweet Success Dutch Sephardic Jewish colonists moved from Brazil to Barbados to escape the religious persecution of the Spanish Inquisition. These Sephardic Jews brought with them the knowledge to...
Part 6: From Whence They Came
Part 6: From Whence They Came


Look around Charleston, the Barbados-Carolina connection is ever present. How “place”, past and present, changed and molded the connection is explored through various aspects of culture. The mixture...

Part 5: A Cultural Hearth
Part 5: A Cultural Hearth


Historians refer to Barbados as the cultural hearth of the Americas. This cultural hearth resulted in a cultural transference. As demographics changed and power shifted, so did perceptions of “place”...