Pizza Fraction Models (Equivalent Fractions)
Students use models, drawings, and manipulatives to create equivalent fractions and explore the "why" behind it.
Grade(s): 4
Subject(s): Math
Year: 2023
Students use models, drawings, and manipulatives to create equivalent fractions and explore the "why" behind it.
Check student understanding of fractions with this quick check. This document (linked in the resources tab) is able to be printed for use of an anchor chart or used online. Color & black and white...Photo
Students used their knowledge of showing one as a fraction to generate equivalent fractions.Photo
See linked anchor chart in the resources tab. Print this anchor chart (color & black and white options) and use to introduce equivalent fractions to students. Students are tasked with showing 1 in as...Document
Print this anchor chart (color & black and white options) and use to introduce equivalent fractions to students. Students are tasked with showing 1 in as many fractions as possible within a minute...Document
Check student understanding of fractions with this quick check. Able to be printed for use of an anchor chart or used online. Anticipated misconception: Students may believe that the fraction with the...Photo
Check student understanding of fractions with this quick check. Anticipated misconception: Students may believe that the fraction with the larger denominator will have the greatest value. Solidify and...