Kings Mountain

The Turn of the Tide of Success

Kings Mountain is a rocky wooded hill on the border of North and South Carolina. On October 7, 1780, a thousand patriots surrounded and attacked the British troops and Loyalist soldiers. This battle would become a major victory and turn the tides for the patriots.

Watch the episode and learn about the key people and events below.

 About The Southern Campaign
About The Southern Campaign


The Southern Campaign of the American Revolution, picks up the story after the fall of Charleston in 1780. After catastrophes at The Waxhaws and Camden, victories in battles and skirmishes such as...
Captain John Sevier | Kings Mountain
Captain John Sevier | Kings Mountain
Episode 2


After the patriot's victory at the Battle of Camden, under the direction of Major Patrick Ferguson , British Provincials and Loyalist solders were sent to suppress Patriot activity in the mountains...
Colonel Isaac Shelby | Kings Mountain
Colonel Isaac Shelby | Kings Mountain
Episode 3


Col. Isaac Shelby was from “over the mountain” in what is now Tennessee. He along with Elijah Clarke, leader of the Wilkes County, Georgia Militia and James Williams, leader of the Little River...
Major Patrick Ferguson | Kings Mountain
Major Patrick Ferguson | Kings Mountain
Episode 3


Major Patrick Ferguson was a Scottish officer who was trained loyalists in traditional British military techniques, especially the use of the bayonet. He earned the nickname “Bulldog” during his...
Overmountain Men | Kings Mountain
Overmountain Men | Kings Mountain
Episode 4


Overmountain men were American frontiersmen from west of the Appalachian Mountains (now Tennessee) who fought in the Revolutionary War. When Major Patrick Ferguson led his amy into South Carolina, he...


National Parks Service

National Parks Service

Teaching with Historic Places through the National Parks Service offers a series of more than 160 classroom-ready lesson plans (7 specifically for SC) that use historic sites as a means for exploring...