Captain John Sevier | Kings Mountain

After the patriot's victory at the Battle of Camden, under the direction of Major Patrick Ferguson, British Provincials and Loyalist solders were sent to suppress Patriot activity in the mountains. Ferguson sent the Overmountain men a bold warning.

Captain John Sevier along with Colonel Isaac Shelby decided to combine their militia men and go after Ferguson at Kings Mountain.

"This force consisted of 240 Washington County militia commanded by Sevier, 240 Sullivan County militia commanded by Shelby, and 400 Virginians commanded by William Campbell." --- Wikipedia, Accessed February 17, 2017.

On October 7, 1780, almost a thousand patriots surrounded Ferguson and his army. A hail of patriot bullets hit Ferguson as he tried to break through Sevier's battle line. The Loyalist soldiers eventually surrendered.


IMAGE CREDIT: The portrait of Captain John Sevier was painted by Thomas Kelly Pauley.


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