South Carolina Public Radio

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A Minute with Miles is hosted by longtime NPR commentator Miles Hoffman.

Historian Walter Edgar hosts Walter Edgar's Journal and South Carolina from A to Z with Walter Edgar.

Atlantic Beach | South Carolina Public Radio


“A” is for Atlantic Beach. [Horry County; population 351]. A historically black beach community, Atlantic Beach is located fifteen miles north of Myrtle Beach. Atlantic Beach flourished during the...
Atonal Music | A Minute with Miles


Atonal music is music that isn’t written in a key, music that doesn’t follow the traditional rules of harmony. But although the term “atonal” tells us what a piece isn’t, it doesn’t tell us what it is...
Atonality vs Dissonance | A Minute with Miles


Atonality and dissonance are often linked in listeners’ minds, but they’re not the same thing. Dissonance, from the Latin words for “sounding” and “apart,” is the simultaneous sounding of two or more...
Attakulla Kulla | South Carolina Public Radio


"A" is for Attakulla Kulla. Cherokee Leader. Diplomat. Attakull Kulla, also known as Little Carpenter was an influential leader of the Cherokees in the midd-1700s. As a diplomat, he worked to advance...
Audubon, John James | South Carolina Public Radio


“A” is for Audubon, John James [1785-1851]. Artist. Ornithologist. Naturalist. Born in Santo Domingo and reared in France, Audubon arrived in America in 1803. By 1820 he was supporting himself as a...