South Carolina Public Radio

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A Minute with Miles is hosted by longtime NPR commentator Miles Hoffman.

Historian Walter Edgar hosts Walter Edgar's Journal and South Carolina from A to Z with Walter Edgar.

Abraham Lincoln | A Minute with Miles


President's Day is observed in the United States on the third Monday of February. February 12 is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, and I wonder if you knew that our sixteenth president was a great music...
AME Zion Church | South Carolina Public Radio


“A” is for African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. The A.M.E. Zion church is on of the seventh largest black denominations. It had its beginnings in New York in the early 19th century and by the...
Archdale, John | South Carolina Public Radio


"A" is for Archdale, John [1642-1717]. Proprietor. Governor. In 1664 Archdale was in New England. In 1681, he purchased a share of the Carolina Proprietorship in trust for his son Thomas Archdale...
Asparagus | South Carolina Public Radio


"A" is for Asparagus. Asparagus was an important cash crop in South Carolina from the 1910s until the mid-1930s. With cotton prices low and the boll weevil creeping closer, farmers in the "Ridge"...