Bulls Island Natural Area (S.C.)

Bulls Island is located in the Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge near Charleston, South Carolina. The refuge was established in 1932. Stretching for 22 miles along the coast of South Carolina, Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge is a rich natural resource. The ocean, the bays, the coast and the maritime forest , as well as the plants and animals that live in each, make this one of the most productive environments on earth. Each of these is dependent on the delicate balance of the marshlands.

 Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 1 1
Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 1
Episode 1


Bulls Island was one of the most heavily damaged areas in South Carolina by Hurricane Hugo. Rudy and Jim visit Bulls Island to observe how nature is healing itself after the deadly hurricane. Here at...
 Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 1 2
Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 1
Episode 2


At the same stop, Rudy and Jim come across a Northern Mockingbird, and a Red-Wing Blackbird perched in some nearby trees, making their distinctive bird-calls. Feeding on some nearby Dewberry flowers...
 Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 1 3
Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 1
Episode 3


On the other side of the impoundment we see the effects of Hurricane Hugo. The area once dominated by canopy trees like tall pines, are no longer there.
 Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 2 4
Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 2
Episode 4


Sandy soils – At this stop, we see Southern Magnolia trees, which help keep the sandy ground stable. With this one magnolia tree, Rudy and Jim find holes left behind by beetles, and woodpeckers which...
 Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 2 5
Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 2
Episode 5


At the same stop, vines and flowering plants can also be seen growing in this area. We see Yellow Jessamine, and Toadflax.
 Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 3 6
Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 3
Episode 6


Hurricane Hugo damage revisited – Here we see further evidence of damage caused by Hurricane Hugo. The tall canopy trees like pines, oaks, and palmettos have been stripped bare. Nature is slowly...
 Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 3 7
Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 3
Episode 7


At the same stop, Rudy and Jim find more plants typical of barrier islands: Devil’s Walking Stick, Prickly Ash, and Buckthorn. In a shady area close by, Rudy and Jim find a resting Eastern Cottonmouth...
 Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 4 9
Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 4
Episode 9


The Dike – Vast fields of Cord Grass populate this area. The fresh water impoundments, with much lower levels of salinity, are perfect places for shore and sea birds such as Yellowleg birds, Black...
 Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 4 10
Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 4
Episode 10


Rudy and Jim catch a full sized adult alligator sneaking around the area, and also find a Four-Lined Rat snake, also known as a Live-Oak snake.